Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
SbsOnDemand::Category::CategoryRepresents a category
SbsOnDemand::Feed::FeedRepresents a video feed
SbsOnDemand::User::InvalidCredentialsExceptionThis exception is raised when the user credentials supplied are invalid or when invoking a method on a User object that is not logged in
SbsOnDemand::Media::InvalidMediaTypeRepresents an exception that occurs when a method is invoked on a media that doesn't support that method
SbsOnDemand::Media::MediaRepresents a media (rendition) for a single video
SbsOnDemand::Video::NoIDExceptionThis exception is raised when a method is invoked on a Video object that requires an ID
SbsOnDemand::Program::ProgramRepresents a tv program
SbsOnDemand::User::UserRepresents a single user
SbsOnDemand::Video::VideoRepresents a single video
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